A Conversation for Divine Infestation, UK and Seville, Mar-Apr 2006

Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 1

Mrs Zen

As directed.

smiley - smiley


Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 2

Mrs Zen

And the first of the threads is:

F52852?thread=2210219 - Asking Gnomon about Dublin.

Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 3

Mrs Zen

And the conversation with Annie is here:



Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 4

Mrs Zen

And the conversation with Coelacanth starts here: F33492?thread=2210710


Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 5

Mrs Zen

Conversation with Azara about visiting Dublin. F1599167?thread=2229634

Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 6

Mrs Zen

Conversation with Chaiwallah about visiting Dublin F1599167?thread=2229634

Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 7

Mrs Zen

Conversation with Granny Weatherwax about meeting up in Manchester F46451?thread=2140041

Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 8

Mrs Zen

F2598048?thread=2210222 - Conversation with Recumbentman about Dublin.

Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 9

Mrs Zen

Conversation with Teuchter about London F108816?thread=2229168

Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 10

Mrs Zen

The convo with Chai is here: F121835?thread=2252281 smiley - footinmouth

Warped Masterminds of Chaos

Post 11

Mrs Zen

I'm crap at this cut and paste stuff - the conversation with Recumbantman is here: F103637?thread=2252337

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