A Conversation for A View From A Scout

Um, okay, but.....

Post 1

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

This is a head load. I downloaded it but don't expect any intelligent questions just yet. I've never learned to open simultaneous windows.
I got frightened last week when my toolbar disappeared....

Um, okay, but.....

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Working with multiple browser windows actually isn't complicated and saves a lot of time (especially when working from a modem connection). For the beginning I suggest two windows of which one holds your 'more conversations'. Use right-click on a conversation link and copy it into the navigation bar of the other window and read/post from there smiley - winkeye

Um, okay, but.....

Post 3

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I think it's the 'copy' part that's blowing my little mind.
But I will try to get my courage up and try it.

Um, okay, but.....

Post 4

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

It's rewarding, I promise!

Um, okay, but.....

Post 5

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I bought an idiot book day before yesterday. It says right across the top,"Read Less, Learn More."

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