Talking Point: Sequels

4 Conversations

'And Another Thing ...' by Eoin Colfer.
These are not the droids you're looking for
- Obi Wan Kenobi

What do P G Wodehouse, George

, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Francis Ford

and even our very own DNA have in common?

They all gave us sequels. It's always been the way of giving us more of what we love.

Or has it?

Do follow-ups, spin-offs and even 're-imaginings' give the public what they want?

Or are they just another way of getting us to dip into our wallets??

  • Is Eoin Colfer's new sequel to DNA's masterpiece up to scratch. Is it an

    exercise in barrel-scraping or has he really gone and pulled it off? (The initial signs are, at the time of writing, rather promising...)

  • Apart from Coppola's second Godfather film, can you think of any sequels that

    surpassed the originals?

  • Is the recent trend of reinventing a franchise (ie: James Bond, Star Trek) a

    valid way to pump new blood into a series?

  • What's the earliest example of an artist producing a sequel?

  • Do sequels ultimately devalue the wonder and magic of the original work?

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