A Conversation for Talking Point: Good or Bad by Design

The human body

Post 21

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

I've always thought detachable feet would be a good idea too ... one set for each pair of shoes and one bare ...

The human body

Post 22

E G Mel

Or detachable heads, one for each subject, But I'm sure this has been discussed before!

Mel smiley - fish

The human body

Post 23

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

Now you're just being silly Mel smiley - fish ... smiley - silly ... smiley - biggrin

The human body

Post 24

E G Mel

Who me?

Mel smiley - hsif

The human body

Post 25

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

How about detatchable hands? sometimes your hands are to small and sometimes they are to big (ie: working on a car!)

The human body

Post 26

E G Mel

ok so long as they make an asbestos (sp?) pair!

Mel smiley - hsif

The human body

Post 27

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

That is correct. You burn your hands to much?

smiley - hsifsmiley - smileysmiley - fish

The human body

Post 28


Assuming that there is a God somewhere, does He/She make humans in an assembly line - and then have add some "perturbations" ? Or, are all humans custom built ?

Or, just like Slartibartfast got a prize for designing coastlines, did someone at Homo-sapein Constructions, Inc. get a prize for making Shannon ? (and someone got fired for making me!)

The human body

Post 29

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

I perfer to think that I am custom built, as I dont have anyone who looks like me... I think we were designed by someone who had a sence of humor though... otherwise we would be alot more practical...

smiley - hsifsmiley - smileysmiley - fish

The human body

Post 30

E G Mel

I think the design is fairly practical, waterprooof, central heating, built in timer, audio system, .... smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

The human body

Post 31


I guess what PyRex meant was that we would be practical in our behaviour.

The general design is definitely nice!

The human body

Post 32

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

More on the side of we only use 10% of our brain... And male and female bodys dont fit togeather the best, I might think they would be designed for maximum enjoyment.

The human body

Post 33

E G Mel

I think they fit fairly well actually! smiley - blush

Mel smiley - hsif

The human body

Post 34

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

But to make them fit better double jointed ness should not be an expensive add-on, it should be standard... make for really good sex...

The human body

Post 35

E G Mel

Wouldn't know about those things, smiley - winkeye

butter wouldn't melt in my mouth smiley - angel
(but that could be because of the ice cubes smiley - devil) smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

The human body

Post 36

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

Ohhh Lah-lah!

Hrmm, Well I Guess that that is a point I hadnt thought about... LOTSA POSITIONS!!! AND mindreading capabilities would make men and women much better I think...

The human body

Post 37

E G Mel

No I wouldn't like to be a mindreader! I quite like to keep my thoughts private and others would just be too noisy, besides where's the fun if you can explore each other and learn from mistakes! smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - fish

The human body

Post 38

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

For me it would be a blessing, I dont always hear what someone says and it pisses people off when I ask them to clarify what I thought I heard.

The human body

Post 39

E G Mel

It shouldn't do, unless the timing is _really_ bad smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

The human body

Post 40

Pyrex Muse of Unbreakable Space-age Wonder Glass, Student of Life, Keeper of the Seven Keys of Ventuslor

I dunno, just last night my girlfriend said somthing I didnt hear very well cause she mumbled it, when I asked her to clarify it she rose her voice, and made me sad... I dont like it... Oh well she was having a bad day... but it seems unfair... she spends the whole day with her friend and when I get home they will go off togeather and whisper... it bugs me... ahh such a horror is my mind... I constantly try to find out how to get more alone time for myself and my girlfriend... Oh the pitty, I work all day and when I come home and they treat me like that smiley - sadface

smiley - hsifsmiley - smileysmiley - fish

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