What is Politics...?

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According to the 'Cambridge English Dictionary' politics has three meanings they are:

  1. "The activities of the government, members of law-making organizations or people who try to influence the way a country is governed."
  2. "Politics is the job of holding a position of power in the government."
  3. "Politics refers to the study of the ways in which a country is governed."

These are the official definitions. However we must start to interpret these meanings and manipulate them to answer the question. This entry is reffering to governmental politics so all the above defiitions are correct.

Studying Each Definition...
  1. Government is formed by a political party holding the majority of the votes. Politics, in this sense, means that it is a group of people who are governing the country. This definition is the collective, and most realised, meaning of the word.
  2. Here the meaning is about the proffession of politics. A person may hold a seat in parliment and then they would have a job in politics.
  3. This definition is the study of politics. It is the name for the way that people observe the government and make constructive criticism.

The Appropriate Definition...

Political Elections

Now that we have studied each definition properly we are able to determine which has the greatest value and is the most relevant to this entry. Meanings one and two are both suitable but meaning one will fill the empty space where the question is to be answered. One is more relevant as it is a collective group governing the country and this entry is trying to break down the way in which this country is governed.

What is Politics?

"The activities of the government, members of law-making organizations or people who try to influence the way a country is governed."

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