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A Brief Overview of British Politics...

This page is designed to act purely as a reference. It lists British Prime Ministers in chronological order since 1721. Use the link on the side for a detailed description of each Prime Minister.

Prime Ministers of Britain 1721 - 1801
Time in OfficeName
1721 - 1742Walpole
1742 - 1743Compton
1743 - 1754Pelham
1754 - 1756Pelham-Holles
1756 - 1757Cavendish
1757 - 1761Pitt
The Elder
1761 - 1762Pelham-Holles
1762 - 1763Stuart
1765 - 1766Rockingham
1766 - 1768Pitt
The Elder
1768 - 1770Grafton
1770 - 1782North
1782 - 1783Shelburne
1783 - 1801Pitt
The Younger

Prime Ministers of Britain 1801 - 1901
Time in OfficeName
1801 - 1804Addington
1804 - 1806Pitt
The Younger
1806 - 1807Grenville
1807 - 1809Bentinck
1809 - 1812Perceval
1812 - 1827Jenkinson
1827 - 1828Wellington
1828 - 1834Grey
1834 - 1835Peel
1835 - 1841Lamb
1841 - 1846Peel
1846 - 1852Russell
1852 - 1855Aberdeen
1855 - 1858Palmerston
1858 - 1859Derby
1859 - 1865Palmerston
1865 - 1866Russell
1866 - 1868Derby
1868 - 1874Gladstone
1874 - 1880Disraeli
1880 - 1885Gladstone
1885 - 1886Salisbury
1886 - 1892Salisbury
1892 - 1894Gladstone
1894 - 1895Rosebery
1895 - 1901Salisbury

Prime Ministers of Britain
1901 - 2001
Time in OfficeName
1902 - 1905Balfour
1905 - 1908Campbell - Bannerman
1908 - 1916Asquith
1916 - 1922George
1922 - 1923Law
1923 - 1924Baldwin
1924 - 1929Baldwin
1929 - 1935MacDonald
1935 - 1937Baldwin
1937 - 1940Chamberlin
1940 - 1945Churchill
1945 - 1951Atlee
1951 - 1955Churchill
1955 - 1957Eden
1957 - 1963Macmillan
1963 - 1964Douglas - Home
1964 - 1970Wilson
1970 - 1974Heath
1974 - 1976Wilson
1976 - 1979Callaghan
1979 - 1990Thatcher
1990 - 1997Major
1997 - 2001Blair
2001 - ?Blair

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