A Conversation for Project: Cryptology

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 1

Matthew G P Coe

Not yet out of Peer Review and into the Edited Guide, but I'm just about finished this primer on cryptography. Maybe there's something in here (though I doubt it) that you'd like for this project?

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

I'd say you better keep it in PR. This project seems to have been abandonded long time ago smiley - erm

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 3

Hapi - Hippo #5

a shame really.. is it worth while to restart it?

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 4

Matthew G P Coe

Abandoned a long time ago? Check the PR thread; I haven't had time to properly finish it yet!

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 5

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

It's a worthwile subject and as far as I can see, reasonable complete (perhaps except for steganography and that obscure Josephson-electron-splitting thing). If your time permits then of course you can take it up and complete it smiley - smiley

On the other hand, producing a Uni project is quite lonesome, you won't get a lot of comments in between (I know what I'm talking of!). IMHO, a better approach is to put them through PR, one after the other, basic entry first, and after recommendation, to ask the Editors to insert links from older ones to later ones. This way you end up with pretty much the same result ie: a series of entries that link to each other and cover a subject in depth. The only drawback is that you won't earn a Field Researcher badge. However, I've been having a close look at the University and there are far more shipwrecked projects than completed ones.

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 6

Matthew G P Coe

Actually, I wasn't interested in creating my own Uni project on it -- it's obviously already being done. I'm offering the Uni researcher some information that they may or may not already have. If it's not there, then by all means, add it. If they do, then there's some redundancy, I suppose.

A933978 - Modern Cryptography -- Methods and Uses

Post 7

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Well, the point is that Cestus isn't around anymore. "Last posted: Sep 18, 2001" it says on his personal space. IF the PR rules were to be applied to Uni projects as well then all his entries would have been moved to the Flea Market long ago. I made such a proposal some time ago but I was told exactly that.

Now the result is precisely what happened here smiley - erm

smiley - cheers

PS: The 'Enigma' entry isn't part of the project any more and sailed through PR as a standalone piece, so you can safely link to A653276 and avoid duplication.

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