A Conversation for "Cogito ergo sum" is a non-statement.

Oh and by the way, Marijn

Post 21


Hiya Lucinda et Al et Al smiley - ok

I'd forgotten about this one, knew it looked familiar when the conv showed up. I haven't re-read it, but I agree that nothing deserves to languish in WW unless people are *really* working on it. I'm all for it going into AWW and seeing whether it gets any bites. It'd be good to have a bit more chat in there.

On the other hand, I noticed that the initial discussion here got rather serious. It'd be nice to think that in AWW someone might enjoy the lighter side of it a bit more. smiley - smiley


Oh and by the way, Marijn

Post 22

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

That was from a long time ago.
I followed the suggestion, removed it from WW and submitted to AWW.

It was my first try for an entry, maybe I will go on with it.
So Let's quit this thread and go on with the new one.smiley - cheers

Oh and by the way, Marijn

Post 23

Martin Harper

F74130?thread=164123 (is the new one)

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