A Conversation for The Shrewsbury Shuffle - a pootle and a pint.

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Post 1


Who's with me?

smiley - fairy

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Post 2


Shewsbury - I like shrewsbury - so dependent on dates and on call rotas and the like I should be able to make it.

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Post 3


Great. It's been ages since we saw each other. In fact, I've not seen you since your weight achievement, and you've not seen me since I chopped all my hair off, so it's be a shock for us both (hopefully in the nice way!).

smiley - hug

smiley - fairy

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Post 4


Might be possible that we can come along I'd best ask herself smiley - smiley

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Post 5


It would be great to see you and MC again. smiley - smiley

smiley - fairy

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Post 6

Bald Bloke

I'll raise my hand as a possible, Maybe, if I can escape working and will let you know at the last minute as usual, type meet attender.


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Post 7


Shiny. We know the drill, BB.

smiley - fairy

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Post 8


Does anyone have a date preference at this point? Z, when will you know your hifts for November?

smiley - fairy

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Post 9

Mrs Zen

Oh, me too please. Though I seem to be signed up already smiley - cool

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Post 10


Well, much as I know you and Z are seperate entities, I know it's easier to treat Mr Vip and I as a unit for administrative purposes. smiley - winkeye

smiley - fairy

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Post 11


November - letmejust check.

Oh yes. I'm on nights the 14th and 15th of November but all other weekends look clear at the moment...

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Post 12


So, if I make it the 21st, does that inconvenience anyone?

On the other hand, Mr Vip and I are going to see Rocky Horror in Birmingham on Friday 6th; if anyone wants to make a combined trip that could work.

smiley - fairy

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Post 13

Mrs Zen

I am VERY tempted by the Rocky Horror.

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Post 14


Friday is tricky cos i'm working Thursday night, so it'll depend how busy I am. I might have hardly any work (like last night) or loads of work and not have slept.

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Post 15


Ah, fair enough. Unfortunately we've already booked our tickets (there's two showings and I can't remember which we are in) so we can't alter it to Saturday.

It was just a thought. Of course, we can still meet on the Saturday even if you can't make it Friday evening.

smiley - fairy

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Post 16

Mrs Zen

I think that would be easier. I was tempted, but worried about studying.

Oh well.

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Post 17


No worries. Shall I revert back to the original date of the 21st?

smiley - fairy

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Post 18

Mrs Zen

If it's good for Dr Z, then it's good for me.

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Post 19


21st is smiley - cool with me...

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Post 20


Sounds fine to me as well.

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