A Conversation for Talking Point: Computer Games

No save and reload in real life

Post 1

I'm not really here

It's so annoying! I have occasionally forgotten this myself. smiley - blush Wouldn't be surprised if teenagers do sometimes.

No save and reload in real life

Post 2


Amazing how the line between game reality and real life gets blurred. Years ago, prolonged use of Tetris on an early Gameboy meant that I was subconsciously fitting together anything vaguely oblong in my house...
How wonderful a restart button would be in real life. I could certainly start today again very gladly smiley - winkeye

No save and reload in real life

Post 3

I'm not really here

My brothers both get access to their kids on the same weekends, so they 'share the care' at one brother's flat.

He has expressed a desire to reload *after* the three under fives have been ransacking it all weekend. smiley - biggrin

No save and reload in real life

Post 4


Frankly, after such heroics, I'd want to sell the game on eBay and take up golf...smiley - winkeye

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