A Conversation for Talking Point: Computer Games


Post 1

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

.. the reason computers were inventedsmiley - winkeye

Beneficial effect playing a computer game? not really, however seeing as my laptop can't play certain games and i quite want to play some of them i decide to save up abed by a new one (still in the saving up stratagem ) so with the help of h2g2 and research done by myself i have learnt about computers. Does that count as a beneficial effect?smiley - winkeye

Do you think that we should now accept gaming as a necessary part of growing up?

necessary? hmm, my first instinct was no, but then its a form of relaxing really isn't it? and people do need to relax so maybe it can be necessary if viewed that way.

Ever come up with an idea for a great game that won't rot your brain?

wheres the evidence that they rot your brain?smiley - winkeye

Do you worry about the detrimental effects of gaming 'violence' (guns, war etc.) on youngsters?
Having played various shoot 'em ups and rpgs (mainly morrrowind) which do involve killing i have to say that no games alone won;t cause people to go out and kill other people, it's far more down to the kids values and morals etc.

if a family is unsupporting and kids have no ethical code etc then yes it could cause problems but its several factors leading to the problem not just one. games etc are a way of shifting the blame imo.

in reference to the columbine massacre marilyn manson had this to say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM_WuQdg-sY&NR=1 and i think what he has to say is important in solving the problem. listen to the kids taht do these things and helop support them. tell them waht they did is worng, but make sure kids know this before it ahppens. theat kind of links in because the kids watched a lot of horror movies and games are a lot more imersive than movies.

Is the recent trend for 'brain training' games just a promotional fad?

money amking scheme, the whole thing si pointless, to become more intelligent go to uni etc you don't play ona handlehed gamimng thingy

As original gamers now hit middle age, is it time to embrace all aspects of gaming as a daily part of our lives?

tahts down to the individual

smiley - biggrin

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