A Conversation for TyPolytechnic
Lighthousegirl - back on board Started conversation Aug 8, 2001
Wobely Alternate or Reactionary Typology
Wobely Alternate or Reactionary Typology, also known as Wobely Spelling, is the art of spelling words the way they sound as if they should be spelt (including the removal of superfluous letters). Closely linked to onomatopoeia (words that sound like the things that they are) Wobely Spelling was largely brought to the public's attention by AA Milne's characters.
The art of wobely spelling is now under serious threat due to the proliferation of the spell checker although this has in itself opened up new avenues in alternate typology (C.A.T. Computer Assisted Typology, which will be examined elsewhere). This course aims to revive this dyeing art and reintroduce the freedom to spell as you please
ALE's (Acknowledgement of Lexicographic Endowment) may be awarded to those who are also able to provide meanings for the words created by wobely spelling
If you would like to enrol on the W.A. R.T. Course please post your application complete with examples of your wobely spelling (remember there are no rules and providing the word sounds right it probably is).
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