A Conversation for h2g2 Prayer Room

Prayer Team

Post 101

plato <surfer>

Hey there everyone! Good to meet you AR1!

Prayer Team

Post 102

Also ran 1

Hi platosmiley - smiley Thank you for the welcome. We really are an ecumenical bunch. But I look forward to interesting discussions with you all and also ways and means of increasing our spirituality in prayer. Go well. AR1smiley - schooloffish

Prayer Team

Post 103

plato <surfer>

Welcome again! smiley - ok

Prayer Team

Post 104

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

hi, im a christian (born r/c, stil am technicaly, but i expect that will change). as far back as i remember i have believed in God (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) and some time ago got to know Him in my own way (i went thru a tough spot @ school and He was there to fr me to talk 2). I'm not really a traditional christian as i dont go 2 our church regularly but recently my friend introduced me 2 a group she goes to 'Evolution' (ne other members here btw?). it is a truely awesome place and has brought me closer to understanding what being a christian means and closer to our God.
umm.. basically hi & can i join up 2? im online most days 2 help.

omy smiley - cheerup

Prayer Team

Post 105


Hi the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!" -

Most of the activity of the prayer group goes on here, but you can also join our mailing list if you wish.

Please give me your email and I'll add you to the list (you won't be inundated with email as it's very quiet - how many times have I said that now?)

Prayer Team

Post 106

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

the addy i give out on here is [email protected]
but i'll email you the other one (which i use more often) ok?
thank you 4 letting me join in smiley - ok

omy smiley - cheerup

Prayer Team

Post 107

plato <surfer>

Hey there Omy! welcome to the team... smiley - ok

My friend has a friend who has just come out of jail, during his time there he plunged into the Bible, and it gave him room to think about his life, so now he's promised to attend church with my friend! Can you guys please pray for him, and that he changes his ways and that God will help him along the way? ta'...smiley - hug

Prayer Team

Post 108

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

sure thing plato smiley - smiley
tis nice 2 b able to join such a group here.

i posted a prayer for my friend. can i reinfore it here? shes really upset cuz her family have moved to USA from Ireland and shes missising all her good friends rom there. she was hoping to go back for the end of school party but she couldnt. theres one moe celebration this summer can you please pray that her visa arrives in time for her to go & visit them then.
thank you.

omy smiley - cheerup

Prayer Team

Post 109


Omy, just give me the email address that you want me to sign you up on, and you're on.


Prayer Team

Post 110

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

[email protected]
but sssh! dont tell anyone! smiley - winkeye

just been to a few hours of a 24-7 prayer meet. wish i could've stayed as it was great (as alwayssmiley - smiley)

omy smiley - cheerup

Prayer Team

Post 111



you should have an invitation - follow the instructions and you're there -you can also browse the past postings.

Prayer Team

Post 112

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

thank you smiley - smiley

omy smiley - cheerup

Prayer Team

Post 113

Child of Saunola

I would be glad to pray for people...
And if I can help out in any other way please just tell me... I think this is a very importent part of the h2g2...
My number is Researcher192078 Child of saunola....smiley - smiley
smiley - angel

Prayer Team

Post 114

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Hello! Count me in. U197815 is my #, [email protected] is my email, and my AIM is Tweedmusic in case anyone is interested. I am a Bible believing Christian who sees prayer work on a daily basis, and would love to pray for anyone who needs it.
smiley - fairy Y.S.

Prayer Team

Post 115

Yeliab {h2g2as}

I could do with some prayer if you wouldn't mind.

Basically I'm trying to oprganise a prayer ride with some members of my uni's CU from John o'Graots to Land's End (a prayer jogle). Basically were raising money for charity as well as praying across this countyr staying with churches along the way. Were leaving sept 1st and the main things for prayer are:

>people to come with me (currently 3 of us, but 5-10 would be amaxzing)
>for churches to allow us to stay with them and give us the oppertunity to pray with them
>and that we would all be really encouraged to pray and follow God.

Thank you so much guys!

Prayer Team

Post 116

plato <surfer>

No problem Yeliab! My prayers go with you!smiley - ok

Prayer Team

Post 117

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Thank you folks for your prayers. I must say I've been facing stiff oposition to this ride but were leaving on Saturday whether he (Satan) likes it or not!

Just so you all know our route is as follows, the dates indicate the departure from that location.

1st JoG*
2nd Dornoch (or Brora if we are tyred)**
3rd Inverness
4th Fort William*
5th Carinlarich*
6th Maybole
7th Carlisle
8th Kendle
9th Liverpool
10th Telford
11th Cheltenham
12th Radstock
13th Honiton*
14th Plymouth
15th Redruth*
LANDS END!!!!!!!! smiley - biggrin

The *'s still require prayer for a place to stay and the ** is really imporant as I've faced adversity from one church allready.

Thank you so much you guys, please email the list any prayers we can help you with while were riding as that's all were doing for 2 weeks!
And if you want to join us then please do at any time. (I'll email this)

Prayer Team

Post 118

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

u've prob left already yeliab, if not good luck, shame u aint comin 2 brum or id c ya there. if u only get this en u com back well done & i hope it ent just dandy.

omy smiley - cheerup

Prayer Team

Post 119

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Brum as in Birmingham? Telford is nearish (enough smiley - tongueout)!


Prayer Team

Post 120


Hey I would love to help out.
Chaunceysmiley - angel

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