A Conversation for The Palace of Versailles

About RER

Post 1


Instead of doing the trick described in this entry, I suggest you buy, in any station in Paris, a ticket (err, two, you need to go back, of course) to Versailles Rive-Gauche.

Be careful, there are three train stations in Versailles, and the two others (Versailles Rive-Droite and Versailles Chantiers) and farther away from the Chateau than Versailles Rive-Gauche. On foor, count 10 more minutes for Chantiers, and 15 more for Rive-Droite (enquiring about the Chateau location included).

Doing so will be much easier, since you will need a ticket mentionning the destination station anyway - a rule of French trains as soon as you're out of Paris.

On the RER C line, take any train which codename starts with a V (currently VICK, VERO or VONY). Versailles Rive-Gauche is the terminus, so once you have your tickets and are onbaord, that's no trouble.

About RER

Post 2

I'm not really here

We didn't hear anything about having to have a ticket with a destination station on it when we went. We asked in the ticket office at the RER, and they told us to go as far as the Paris Visite would let us go, then get off and buy another ticket. It worked out far cheaper like that, as we had the visite anyway.

About RER

Post 3

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

What she said. smiley - biggrin

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