A Conversation for GG: The Greek Alphabet
A570412 - The Greek Alphabet
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Oct 6, 2002
If you could think of any links to add to it, it would be great. I always forget to put in the links when I'm writing.
A570412 - The Greek Alphabet
Bagpuss Posted Oct 6, 2002
I can't figure it out. "Greek Alphabet" in the history section and "modern Greek" at the end are inconsistent with the use in the rest of the article, but UH has left them unchanged.
*Not telling a subed. how to do his job, honest*
A570412 - The Greek Alphabet
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Oct 6, 2002
damn. i missed that. i capitalised a letter in a title for purposes of consistency...
i did it hurriedly, i have to confess, cos i wont be on h2g2 after tuesday when i go to uni
A570412 - The Greek Alphabet
Bagpuss Posted Oct 6, 2002
Ah, found it now. (Do I have too much time on my hands?)
Sorry, I know I'm only suppose to be pedantic before the entries have been edited.
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A570412 - The Greek Alphabet
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