A Conversation for GG: The Greek Alphabet
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A570412 - The Greek Alphabet
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Jun 11, 2001
Bossel, I've gone the road of letting the Art Team come up with GIFs. It is far from satisfactory. So I'm not prepared to do that now. As I said, if we authors ever get the ability to add our own pictures, I'll resurrect this.
Thanks, Jeremy. Yes, you can get it taken out of Peer Review.
A570412 - The Greek Alphabet
Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner) Posted Jun 13, 2001
your thread has been moved now. I sinverely hope that it won't take too long before you find a way to submit it in a manner that is satisfactory for you. I would have loved to see it in the Guide.
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A570412 - The Greek Alphabet
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