The Party Round My Place Party - Election Headquarters

6 Conversations

This hasn't got any fancy GuideML because I can't be arsed, frankly. What I CAN be arsed doing is becoming the best damn Prez you've ever seen!

My manifesto is simple - when I'm elected there will be a party round my place (sic) to end all parties. Whatever you want, be it Scotch eggs or infinite pizza toppings, it's yours. Then, once the hangover clears, I'll concentrate on getting myself and the whole of h2g2 into a permanently inebriated state. For those of you who don't drink, permanent markers will be on hand smiley - .So get yourself round to the Election Headquarters and cast your vote. Party on!

Oh, and I'll be looking at legalising wolf hunting.

Have a look at my Party Political Broadcast if you need a bit more convincing of how cool I am smiley - .

Vote for me - you know it makes sense, innit? smiley -

Party Members (other than me!)

U40285 - running partner.

U536123 - Minister of Embezzlement.

U178076 - Minister of Misinformation

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