A Conversation for Nick Cave

A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 1



I wrote this - but I believe it to be a reasonably well written and accurate appraisal of Nick Cave's musical career so far. I couldn't find anything else on this subject on h2g2.


A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 2


nice entry, informative and all, well written too
try put a few headers in, they'l liven up the thing a bit. there's plenty of documentation and discussion on those kind of (technical) things to be found here in the guide.
one little gripe: why put your name and email adress below it? isn't the link to your personal space that appears to the right of it enough?
greetings, schurem

A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 3


Hi - I've changed the entry to GuideML, added some headers and removed the email address at the bottom. Any further comments?

A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 4


not from me, i find it excellent smiley - smiley

A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 5

Is mise Duncan

I believe that Nick Cave and the bad seeds had a cameo in the film "Wings of Desire" by Wim Wenders?
Also the "spoken word" tour is on at the moment.

A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 6


They did have a cameo in that film - also the songs "The Carney" and "From Her to Eternity" were featured in it. Cave also appeared in the film "Ghosts... of the Civil Dead", directed by John Hilcoat in 1988. I glossed over his film career in the article however as I felt it better to concentrate on the art form for which he is best known (music).

Should we continue this conversation on the discussion page of the article itself? (I don't want to get kicked out of peer review!)

A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 7

Is mise Duncan

Here's fine - it will get moved on to the article itself when it is accepted...as I'd hope it will be soon enough; it's a comprehensive and well written article.

A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 8

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I have to agree. I will try and get this sub-editedsmiley - smiley

No promises though...


A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 9

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

(Am I keep running into you Linus?)

perhaps a complete list of his albums at the end?
you can do it so:

album title


Post 10

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

If they have not been along already, the Scout who recommended your entry will post here soon, to let you know what happens next. Meanwhile you can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/SubEditors-Process


A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 11

LUCIEN-Scouting the web for the out of the ordinary

Congratulations! Your article has been accepted for the edited guide, and it appears that the editors have beaten me to the congratulations. Ah well, different side of the date line and all.

Usually the editors will go through the article and change some of the content, however the changes will most likely be minor (otherwise they wouldn't have accepted it into the guide!), so don't be surprised if the final product isn't exactly the same as the one that you wrote.

Also, if you are still revising the article, once it has been moved from the 'ComingUp' page it has been sent to the sub-ed who won't see the changes, so there is a sort of deadline for changes.

And lastly, by all means if there are any questions, please take a trip to my space and leave me a note, or post here again. I'll be checking back to the post over the next 3 days, after that grab me at my personal space.

Again, congratulations. I'm a fan of his and couldn't pass up recommending this one into the guide. I also enjoyed the format of the article, so if there is another band that you enjoy, I look forward to reading it.

A562475 - Nick Cave

Post 12


Just wanted to thank everyone who commented on the article and was instrumental in getting it accepted for the edited guide. I've been away (going to and returning from a Marillion gig) since yesterday morning so didn't get chance to respond to each post individually, but once again, thank you.

Chigley (dead chuffed at being accepted!)

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