A Conversation for Who's the best band in the world?

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Post 61

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

u wan roo involved?! (no offence roo!)

neway, i DO mind, so if u invite ne others 4 the ride im gettin outa the car!

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Post 62

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

im quite happy with just u in the car

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Post 63

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

ok u lame man. i shall have my own car, a v.big one to house me and all my men smiley - tongueout
anyway, have funsmiley - smiley
smiley - fairy

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Post 64

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

hey! he nt lame! u go enjoy ur multiple men (whore!smiley - tongueout), d 1 man i got gives me complete satisfaction! smiley - smiley
& we shall most definitly av fun! smiley - winkeye

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Post 65

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.


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Post 66

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

hey, im being nice 2 u here, dont knock it! smiley - tongueout

(& yeah, when im wiv u i feel complete & utter bliss. i love u)

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Post 67

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.


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Post 68

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

smiley - cool

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Post 69

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

slush? on d web? these r not the sites i frequent. smiley - winkeye
anyway........i shall go be my whoreness now
(well, nt right now, i'm in the pooter room at school)
smiley - fairy

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Post 70

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

oh! and janine called me 'the whore from hell' this morning
I shall be beamy all day smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - biggrin
smiley - fairy

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Post 71

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

thats not a v. nice thing to say, being a god, ive met some of the spawn of the deepest pits of hel, & most of em r quite nice blokes

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Post 72

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

u would think that tho wouldnt u?

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Post 73

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

it was a nice thing cos i took it as a compliment. aaaaahh.... the whore from hell........*reminisces (sp!?!?)*
and i've met such blokes2, nt all r nice...they gt referred to as 'spawn of satan', ok?

and u wuld think that, ya.

smiley - fairy
'it is time for stormy weather' - sos, it playing now smiley - biggrin

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Post 74

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

i was sayin that she was insultin the peeps from hell

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Post 75

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

how u know it wasnt tru tho? roo may b from hell 4 all u know!

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Post 76

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

anyway, apparently it was 'the goddamn whore from hell' and, as musey bloke covered, i'm feeling good. (or jamiroquai)

smiley - fairy

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Post 77

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

ooh, love d musey version smiley - ok

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Post 78

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

i love it too, cos it rox!smiley - smileysmiley - smiley
v.v.v.v. cool, maybe one of the best things on d album!
smiley - smiley
like bliss tho, and vid for bliss rox (get to c as bliss new single smiley - smiley)
smiley - fairy

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Post 79

the other omylouse "multiply (1*6) by (6*1+0+3)!"

definitly 1 of d best on it, if nt d best smiley - smiley

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Post 80

Roo (Muse of Agar Minions!!!)

but, to get back to basics here, muse are not contenders for the best band in the world title. definately not, even if that blokey (matt?)'s hair is lovely.smiley - smiley
it was a cover as well, and it is easy top improve on something while it is more difficult to get original ideas.
smiley - fairy

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