Who's the best band in the world?

11 Conversations

I cant decide who the best band in the world is, so far the short List is:
Dandy Warhols
Letters To Cleo
Limp Bizkit

updated 30/05/01
Duran Duran (also including Arcadia who were, for 1 album only, Roger Taylor, Nick Rhodes & Simon Le Bon)

Updates for the list should be posted in the Message list.

at the mo (08/07/01) ive decided to rank them thus:
1: Weezer
2: Pixies
3: Dandy Warhols
4: Limp Bizkit
5: Duran Duran
6: Letters to cleo

2day (23/09/01) im gonna add 2 more bands (please peeps show some interest)

Breeders (hey its got Kim & Kelley Deal in it)

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