European Union

2 Conversations

This page has been put together to facilitate discussion over at European Union thread. See also The European Union, a somewhat basic and inacurate edited guide to the European Union; The European Commission an Edited entry on the European executive; The European Convention on Human Rights an excellent introduction to the convention; European Citizenship an interesting unedited entry; the BBC World Service 'New Europe page'; and the BBC Correspondent Europe page.

On the 19th of September 1946 Winston Churchill called for a "kind of United States of Europe" in a speech he gave at the Zurich University, today Europe is on the verge of seeing this dream come true.

The European Union is a major experiment, which started with a commitment to peace. In the first half of the twentieth century the European continent was thrown in to turmoil by with two amazingly huge wars, the like of which had not been seen before. These wars showed a few of the problems that nationalism and the rise of nation states can bring, the politicians of the era (including the Americans who promoted the idea via the Marshall Plan) decided that working together was the way to stop this. One way to start working together was to organise the pooling of resources that could be used to produce weapons, such as coal and steel. Six countries1 started it.

The European Union is far from perfect but it has great potential, giving its citizens a real possibility of balancing global markets, of social rights and a more effective system of environmental protection. It also provides for the continuation of peace and stability (hence enlargement, where central and eastern European countries can also benefit) in Europe. The €uro is not the be all and end all, but nevertheless can play a positive role and stop the waste caused by currency transactions.

The best thing about the European Union is that it has the potential to be what its citizens want it to be - and that doesn't have to mean one big nation state, but perhaps something new that's a step beyond.

The Purpose of the European Union
  • To promote economic & social progress.
  • To assert the identity of the European Union on the international scene.
  • To introduce European citizenship.
  • To develop an area of freedom, security & justice.
  • To maintain and build on established European Union law.

European Union History

During May 1948 at a meeting chaired by Winston Churchill and attended by 800 delegates, participants proposed the adoption of a Human Rights Charter and, to ensure the respect of such charter, the creation of a Court of Justice. They also recommended the creation of a European Council and Assembly. In may 1949 the statute of the Council of Europe is signed in London, United Kingdom.

November 1950 saw the signing of the Human Rights and Fundamental Rights Conventions in Rome, Italy.

The European Union (E.U.) was founded as the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951 between Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg & the Netherlands under the Treaty of Paris. In 1953 the ECSC levy, the first European tax, comes into force and the Common Market for coal and iron ore is set up.

At the end of 1955 the Council of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted as it emblem the blue flag hosting golden stars.

On the 25th of March 1957 the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) is signed by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands in Rome (the so called 'Treaty of Rome'). In 1958 the treaty comes into force & the European Parliamentary Assembly is set up in Luxembourg. By the end of 1958 EEC institutions have replaced most of the ECSC ones

In 1960 the first regulations on the freedom of movement for workers in Europe comes into force.

In 1967 The EEC Council of Ministers decides to harmonise indirect taxes in the Community and to adopt the value added tax (VAT) system. On the 1st of July 1967 ECSC is formaly disolved and it remaining functions & institutions are asorbed into the EEC.

In December 1969 at a summit meeting held in The Hague (the Netherlands), the member government of the EEC confirm their willingness to maintain the gradual advance towards a genuine economic and monetary union.

In 1973 Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom join the European Community, expanding it to 9 members.

In March 1979 the European Monetary System (EMS) came into being & in June the first elections to the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage are held.

In 1981 Greece becomes the 10th member of the European Community.

In 1986 Spain and Portugal join the European Communities, expanding it to 12 members.

In 1990 two Intergovernmental Conferences, one on Economic and Monetary Union, the other on Political Union, start. In 1991 a European Council is held in Maastricht (the Netherlands), it reaches an agreement on the draft Treaty on the European Union which is signed in February 1992, and as a result of this in 1993 the single market was established.

In 1995 Austria, Finland and Sweden become members of the European Union, expanding it to 15 members.

In June 1998 the European Central Bank is established and in January 1999 the euro (€) is officially launched in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.

At the end of 2000 the 'Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union' is issued.

In Early 2002 the euro (€) becomes the sole currency of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.

European Union Institutions

Parliament, this is elected by the peoples of the member states.

Council, representing the governments of member states.

Commission, this is the executive body of the EU.

Court of Justice, court for European law.

Court of Auditors, deals with EU finances.

European Union Links
Europa - The European Union On-Line
The European Parliament
Council of the European Union
European Court of Justice
European Central BankOfficial €uro site
The European Commission
The European Ombudsman
Charter of Fundamental Rights
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
European Social Charter

Member States
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

European Enlargement

A568721A670376A604252A686775The UK and the EuroGermans lament the loss of the DeutschmarkA Guide to the Euro
1Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg & the Netherlands

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