A Conversation for Watching and downloading movies online

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A55568064 - Watching and downloading movies online

Post 1


Entry: Watching and downloading movies online - A55568064
Author: barryst - U14098266

Guide for watching movies legally online

A55568064 - Watching and downloading movies online

Post 2


Hmmm. My first thought is that it's kinda short. I'm sure there's a good article in this - perhaps you could expand it to cover other on-demand movies, like Sky. Also what sort of quality do you get?

A final point is to check http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/plain/SubEditors-Style They like you to write in the third person rather than first.

Hope this helps.

A55568064 - Watching and downloading movies online

Post 3


This seems like a good idea for an entry smiley - ok, but I'd rather you covered the principles of different ways of getting movies online and then mention specific examples rather than review specific sites - if these sites later fold, the entry would look dated.

Alex smiley - smiley

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Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A55568064 - Watching and downloading movies online

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