Watching and downloading movies online

2 Conversations

It has been a widely discussed issue that people want to watch and download movies online. While somewhat adequate solutions have been found there is no universal resource for this purpose. I will not talk about illegal websites. There are plenty of them and I do not recommend using any one of them.
Two legal websites have grabbed my attention. They both offer watching movies online and one offers downloading. is a website for free black and white movies. It offers unlimited watching and downloading of all movies in their database. The only downer is that, as the name suggests, all movies are old black and white movies. For oldies enthusiasts like me this presents great value but for people looking for new movies with cool effects this simply does not work. is a paid website and its primary purpose is renting movies online. What's great about it is that they have a huge database of movies which members can watch online. The database does not contain the most popular movies but it's the closest thing to watching great new movies online on-demand.

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