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What's my Chances

Post 1


G'Day Tim

My name is Daniel and I am currently living in Adelaide, South Australia (and always have!).
Just a quick question, what do you think my chances are of getting a job with TDV, if I flew over, say, next week?

I sent an email in just after ST was released, and got a lovely reply saying, NO! In a very nice way of course.... but how are things now, are they in need of another multi-talented wiz kid......

What's my Chances

Post 2


It depends on what your skills are, and what sort of position you are looking at..?


What's my Chances

Post 3


Well I make a good cup of coffee!

I have lots of skills in lots of areas, I guess you could say that I am more of a generalist than a specialist!

I have been involved in web design since 1995. I worked for a company called N-Space who are one of the best web design companies in Australia. I left them due to the fact that all they wanted me to do was update the older sites. I would end up working on 6 different sites in one day and after 8 months I started getting bored.

I worked for the Investigator Science and Technology Centre and did everything from dressing up as a penguin and handing out free tickets with a local radio station to traveling all over Australia installing interactive exhibitions! Working for the Investigator was pretty exciting!

I am a thinker and troubleshooter. I have some excellent Idea's that I would love to share with TDV!
I am a musician and songwriter and I am pretty good!
I am young and I learn extremely quickly!
I have a great sense of humour!

What sort of position's are available for a 23 year old Australian with the above skills?

What's my Chances

Post 4


Now I know how you got the name! smiley - smiley
Well what do ya think? I am an all round very useful guy to have around the office......

What's my Chances

Post 5


Sorry to interrupt, but just in case you know anyone hiring poets you can give them my name.

Thanks- Wayne

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