A Conversation for 'What If...?'

Just to let you know

Post 1


"What if" is featured on Abi's Activities this week!

Just to let you know

Post 2

Dizzy the Void

Hm ... what if this page /hadn't/ been featured on Abi's Activities? smiley - winkeye

Just to let you know

Post 3


ermmm Nexus Seven would have beaten me up! smiley - smiley

Just to let you know

Post 4

Hiram Abif (aka Chuang Tzu's Pancreas)

what if Nexusseven had beaten you up? Would you cry? or get him back when he least expects it? Or pay a surly looking group to get him back when he least expects it? Or let bygones be bygones, take him out to lunch at reasonably nice restaraunt to show that there are no hard feelings, and then gotten him back when he least expects it? hmmmmmm

Just to let you know

Post 5


Ahhh the Great Architect! Greetings!

I would do the latter or through him into the Thames the next time he and I are on a pub boat! smiley - winkeye

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