A Conversation for The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party 7 July, 2001
No I didn't !
TowelMaster Started conversation Jul 18, 2001
Great article BUT....
I did not consider stealing half the All Souls church !
What happened was that there was this board with the openingtimes and all on it, and it was attached to one of the pillars. Chained to it... with BIG locks...
The only thing was that if you just removed the four(rusting) screws from the board itself you could easily walk away with the thingy(well sort of )...
Turn out a ten for style but minus several million for good thinking... LOL. It's that kind of stuff that always makes me remember the guide...
No I didn't !
Abi Posted Jul 18, 2001
I can only go by what I was told in the Memories thread TM - I will alter it now.
No I didn't !
TowelMaster Posted Jul 18, 2001
Well it reads like much more fun the way everybody remembers it so...
For all I are you can leave it there and make me even more mysterious.... Not!
Of course it makes one wonder what on earth those researchers had been drinking before they turned up at tht church
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No I didn't !
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