A Conversation for The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party 7 July, 2001

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 21


You speak for yourself Don A! My life is far from normal! smiley - whistle

I'm off to recover from smiley - headhurts soon smiley - ok

By the way... after the Northern and Scottish Meets, the next one may well be the second Dutch Meet! smiley - run

shazz smiley - magic

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 22


Is there a date (and place) for that yet Shazz? It sounds tempting...smiley - cheers

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 23


Hopefully it will be the last weekend in October... final details will be worked on asap! smiley - smiley

Last year we arranged free board for all but the Towers, who were generously given a budget... the place being Alphen aan den Rijn on the Friday and a jaunt to Amsterdam on the Saturday. We even laid on chauffeurs from and to the airport... we take this all very seriously as you probably noticed! smiley - laugh

Everyone who attended last year managed to swing a Friday late afternoon to Sunday morning visit... very civilised! smiley - ok
shazz smiley - magic

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 24


Sounds smiley - magic Just hope it doesn't clash with something else.

Any excuse to go abroad, and see the marvels of Amsterdam for less than 30 Altairian dollars... or something...smiley - winkeye

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 25


Make it Half Term, Shazz and you never know...
smiley - bluefish

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 26

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh I'm so glad I read the backlog of this thread!
I miss you too, Mina!
smiley - cuddle
It was like we'd never been apart
smiley - wah
Favourite memories?
How to choose...
Being hoisted off my feet by Phil?smiley - blush
Making sure EV got some incriminating photos?smiley - winkeye
A smooch....smiley - tongueout
Several really nice smiley - hugandsmiley - cuddle
Plenty ofsmiley - kiss
Meeting new friends like Babel-17smiley - blushsmiley - biggrin& Orcus & Argon0 & Shea & Lady Elly & LiS & EGMel & Pegasus as well as seeing others again like Abi, Peta, Mark, Ashleysmiley - loveblush, coely, N7, Dr.EV, Lucinda, Peregrin, Bluebottle, Phil {Other Person}, the Dutch contingent - *sigh* - I certainly titled my latest journal entry correctly smiley - winkeye
The BBC Experience was fantastic!
Thank you so much Abi, and thanks to all the wonderful people who turned up.
You are all smiley - magic

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 27


smiley - cuddle

It was great to see you again AGB smiley - smiley

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 28


Phil hoisted you up too GB! Anyone else?
Chatting to Ashley. smiley - loveblush
smiley - bluefish

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 29



He grabbed me by the neck though, so I left the pub at least two inches taller! smiley - laugh

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 30


Well, you know what they say Abi... a few extra inches never go amiss! smiley - laughsmiley - blush

shazz smiley - magic

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 31


smiley - laugh

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 32


That is so true Shazz, but sometimes it is not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean! smiley - winkeye

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 33

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I heard it was 12"
and hot
and Dutch
and throbbing
I wasn't supposed to mention that, was I Shazz?
Sorrysmiley - grovel
smiley - laugh

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 34


*AGB plies the moderators with juicy postings*smiley - winkeye

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 35


smiley - laugh

So true GB!

I think it depends if the boat can actually STAY on the ocean Abi! smiley - tongueout

shazz smiley - magic

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 36


I knew I should have got to the meet earlier!
I missed all this!
smiley - bluefish

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 37

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

I'm so happy I missed out on those conversations smiley - winkeye. I was just playing bodyguard again *lol*

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 38


You missed out on the conversations, Kheldar? After what it said on your t-shirt?
smiley - bluefish

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 39


smiley - laugh

Get out of THAT one Khedlar! smiley - biggrin

shazz smiley - magic

Thanks for a great night everyone!

Post 40

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Not *all* of the conversations...just *those* conversations smiley - winkeye

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