A Conversation for The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party 7 July, 2001

It's a long list, but......

Post 1


We all know that the number of people on the list of names is not an accurate account of the numbe of researchers that will be meeting.

Lots of people have more than one researcher ID. Most of them are called Abi, Bluebottle or E.V.

I'm most certainly not asking for true confessions here, and neither should anyone take it as an opportunity for speculation. Respect the reasons why people have other identities. There's another thread for confessing and I'll put the link up if anyone has something to get off their chest. All I'm interested in is providing a researcher count, which would be more accurate than a head count.

A number will be enough.

coelecanth (2)
smiley - fish

It's a long list, but......

Post 2


about 20 in total I reckon... smiley - blush

It's a long list, but......

Post 3


smiley - laugh
*passes Abi a calculator*

smiley - fish

It's a long list, but......

Post 4

E G Mel

only me, my literal other half has declined but my boyfriend is joining us smiley - smiley

Mel smiley - hsif

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