A Conversation for Germany

Be real!

Post 41

Garfield formerly known as Sandmaennchen

I thought it's all the fashion - changing a name ocassionally until it's so long that I can't be bothered to type it anymore.
Ja, ich spreche Deutsch. Mein Kater lebt noch.


Post 42


Don't Know> I don't Sprechen zie Baa.

Be real!

Post 43


As in the Symbol formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince. I find a quick 4 character combination of numbers and letters much quicker to sign, but the aforesaid symbol can't type his name on the internet (unless he wants to be the smiley - bigeyes formerly known as the symbol formerly known as the artist formerly known as prince)


Post 44


The only way to insult a cat is to not feed him/her?

Be real!

Post 45

Cookie Monster

Guildo hat euch lieb!
Der Kommisar hat seinen Hund lieb gehabt!
Garfield formerly known as Sandmaennchen hat seinen Kater noch lieb!
Ac-1D loves sheep!!
Eat cookies!

Be real!

Post 46


You must have confused me with an Australian!!!
Cookin Munster Ein Kornkobbin Uppen Yuppen Mit Liederhausen!!!

Sincere apologies

Post 47

Cookie Monster

Now is the question... can I apologise profusely enough?
Tut mir leid Ac-1d.
But you're right, there's a lot of songs in my house!

Sincere apologies

Post 48


Aha I knew you were the type to have a songful house, so I used my mastery of the German language to eloquently state it. (Ich nicht wirklich kenne ein einzelnes Wort des Deutschen heeheehee).
I was not really worried with what you said, it's just that New Zealander's take any innuendo regarding us and sheep and/or Australians very seriously!!

Sincere apologies

Post 49

Cookie Monster

Innuendos regarding ewes and Australiens?
What for innuendos? Didn't someone write a song about that?

Re: Be real!

Post 50


Hi! smiley - smiley

jep definetly the best statement here! Germany is Germany with his whole history, we eat Saurekraut (ja ja), we drink bear (a lot), we had a damned guy called Hittler, we had a whole bunch who tried 2 be like him, we have autobahnen (take care about the speed limits, I lost my licence recently), probably we dont have humor (after reading some articles I'm convinced off), we have good humpfta - music (I like it...), we have neighbours (I like them, maybe they don't like me), I have a lot of work (don't care about that), sometimes we get aggressive (don't drink my beer - never ever!), we have a lot of fun (after travelling for 4 years I realised that), we have a lot of money (we show that), we are dogmatic (don't know what that means), I'm stupid (I hope so).....etc
So we have everything and nothing, like everybody everywhere, and that's okay 4 me.......

So long 4 2 day ciao Bret smiley - smiley

Sincere apologies

Post 51


If it's about ewes it was probably Tom Jones or Rolf Harris. . .

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