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vortices feed zero point energy to particles & us

Post 1


All the arguments that were raised against Lord Kelvin’s Vortex Theory that finally lead to it’s demise in the 1920ties now been cancelled by discoveries in the latter half of that century. Even his own Glasgow University put aside and hid all reference to vortex theory to avoid having to explain how their greatest luminary had seemingly blundered. But had he? NO! He was just a century ahead of his contemporaries. When they said there was no ether to make a vortex, they were WRONG. Today after Dirac’s Infinite Sea of negative energy particles, we have zero point energy, vacuum energy, neutrinos, strings, gravitons, Higgs Bosons and Dark Matter filling all of space and full of energy.
Not only are these denizens of space invisible they abound everywhere, can carry momentum and exist as a gas or be cooled to form strings. Aided by vortex theory we can see how the arms of a vortex draw inwards to be cooled in the nucleus of an atom and are then ejected as strings, or lines of force. At the same time the vortex hurls the satellite electrons around in their orbits, and on a larger scale, planets are whirled around the Sun and star clouds around the Galaxies. Thus in one stride we have a Theory of Everything.
No highly qualified physicist would raise his hand in support of such ideas unless there was a crowd of his peers doing the same. So you are asked to support a Group dedicated to this purpose.

Some day we’ll have a meeting where you can all hold up your hands.

Any Questions?

[email protected]

vortices feed zero point energy to particles & us

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit trying to find the vortex in the story
"Does not sound bad, even plausible. smiley - smiley

< <./>Welcome<./> > to HooToo smiley - towel

Does sound like watching the Total Perspective Vortex smiley - magic "

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