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What county is everybody from?

Post 1

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

hey this is ford
i have noticed everyone here (so far) has used british lingo and i was wondering if everyone is british?
I am from the US....were you from?
fordsmiley - cheers

What county is everybody from?

Post 2


Many of us are British, many of us are American, and quite a few of us are neither. (howzat for cryptic?)

You might enjoy checking out the Regional Researchers page to see just where we might be from: A660313

What part of the US are you in?

What county is everybody from?

Post 3

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

im from nevada... right NEXT to the middle of nowhere
what about you?
ford smiley - cheers

What county is everybody from?

Post 4


im from england

andysmiley - bat

What county is everybody from?

Post 5

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Thats so coolsmiley - cool!! what part?
I want to move to england sometimesmiley - smiley... but i cantsmiley - wah
fordsmiley - cheers

What county is everybody from?

Post 6


Scotlandsmiley - cheers Colin.<*>.

What county is everybody from?

Post 7

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

WOW!!! Scotland rocks!! i SO wanna go there!... have you ever had haggis?
fordsmiley - cheers

What county is everybody from?

Post 8


im in england too.
shropshire and not far from the world famous ironbridge (birthplace of industry, so they say) to be exact.
hsmiley - rose

What county is everybody from?

Post 9


i live in cheshire fords but im originally from yorkshire

anydsmiley - bat

What county is everybody from?

Post 10

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

man thats sweet! Its boring in the us! and everyone hates us... donno why...smiley - smiley 'specially in the desert, in the middle of nowhere... 3oo mi from the nearest mjor city (Salt lake UT)... Someone let me move in with you??smiley - cheerupsmiley - biggrin
fordsmiley - cheers

What county is everybody from?

Post 11


I wouldn't say the whole US is boring... but yes, terribly boring in the desert. Lots of exciting things to do elsewhere though. I'm determined to make it to Vegas one day, though I'm sure that doesn't hold the same attraction for you smiley - winkeye

I'm in Missouri smiley - ok

What county is everybody from?

Post 12

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Missouri? wow! i wanted to go there... ya las vegas is overrated.
fordsmiley - cheers

What county is everybody from?

Post 13


weve a sapre room ford if ya wanna move in smiley - biggrin

andysmiley - bat

What county is everybody from?

Post 14

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

SWEET! how soon can i move in?
fordsmiley - cheers

What county is everybody from?

Post 15


well youll have to be quick unless you wann housesit while we go on holiday or vacation as you call it smiley - biggrin

anydsmiley - bat

What county is everybody from?

Post 16

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

oh dang! i have important stuff to do!! i want to but this is to important... sorry!
fordsmiley - cheers

What county is everybody from?

Post 17


hmm what can be more important than moving from the dessert??

What county is everybody from?

Post 18

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

dont laugh.... band camp... yaya "one time, at band camp"... its not like that!smiley - tongueout
fordsmiley - cheers

What county is everybody from?

Post 19


Hello F,

Sorry thought it said country (Belgium) - I think Maine is even bigger.

How late is it over there? Just hopped outta bed.

I'm not one to hate a nation because of a handful of morons - you find idiots everywhere I'm afraid - we have our share too.

Think that's the smell of coffee...
Bye for now - Have a nice day/night

Belgian Chocolate/Bc

What county is everybody from?

Post 20

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

it is exactly...8:47 and 13 14 15 16 17.... sseconds at night
so your from belgium? *gasp!* thats a bad word! lol
fordsmiley - cheers

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