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Smoking Ban.

Post 1

The Myth Of Fingerprints

The Smoking Ban is coming soon.

I am looking forward to going to the pub without having to come home smelling like an ashtray.


Smoking Ban.

Post 2



Are you going to trawl through all our old discussions and pick the most contentious?

Could have some new posters to argue with!


Smoking Ban.

Post 3

The Myth Of Fingerprints

Oooooh, I can't wait.

Smoking Ban.

Post 4


Oh this is starting to feel like home, I'll get me slippers.


Smoking Ban.

Post 5


Discussions about these sort of issues are best in <./>Ask h2g2</.>, by the way, you'll get more responses. They're not appropriate for this page, really. smiley - sorry

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