A Conversation for Thanks for Registering with h2g2 - Welcome!
whats it all about?
nikki4 Started conversation Oct 16, 2001
whats it all about?
Abi Posted Oct 17, 2001
Hi Researcher 186097
I am Abi and I am the Deputy Community Editor. Welcome to h2g2, the unconventional guide to Life, the Universe and Everything!
Can I suggest that you put something on your personal space? That way people can leave you messages on it. You also might want to change your name to something that sums you up! Click on the button marked 'preferences' to change it.
To find out where the rest of the Community are talking why not visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/talk - there are links to lots of fun and interesting places on the site!
whats it all about?
Researcher 187889 Posted Dec 5, 2001
our univers is unic what ever we put in we just have to wait and see what comes out
whats it all about?
Pinkie Posted Jan 2, 2002
Hi, I'm Pinkie, I'm new to this too, so I am interested in reading some of the replies. I've worked in 'my space' now I'm trying to find other places to visit.
whats it all about?
Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic. Posted Jan 9, 2002
- ZAPPO! *appears in a flash of light * (with optional WHIZZ, BANG & KA-BLOOWIE)
Hi Pinkie, My name is Clive and I'm an ACE, which means I potter about and trying to be helpful and welcoming to all new arrivals.
Have you tried asking the h2g2 community a question:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/askh2g2 - this is a very good place to start as you get to meet loads of great people!
Have you tried reading the Community's own regular newspaper, The Post?
With Articles and contributions for Researchers all across site, it celebrated it's second birthday not long ago and is another good place to start looking at what H2G2 has to offer. (Take a look at the Post's links of of useful and interesting stuff.)
Useful: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A616718
Interesting: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A626069
Hope that is of some interest to you.
Clive <--- p.s to learn how to do smiley faces like this in postings as well as a load of others
Go Here:
whats it all about?
Pinkie Posted Jan 9, 2002
Hi Clive! Thanks for the message and all the links that you sent. I love this h2g2 it is so different and everyone is lovely and certainly very helpful. I'm finding my way around quite well, thanks to the help I'm getting. Please read my poem on my page and give me your oppinion on it. Thanks.....
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whats it all about?
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