A Conversation for getting the best from the guide

Writing Workshop: A530902 - Getting the best from the guide

Post 1


I needed to find some of this stuff, and it was all over the place, so I decided to collect it all into one place. any feedback would be greatly received.


Who knows, if it is good enough, and enough people like it, it might be worth submitting for peer review one of these weeks. smiley - winkeye

A530902 - Getting the best from the guide

Post 2

Martin Harper

Well, I'm not sure it's worth putting in peer review - primarily because that kind of info is fast changing - but you might visit the home spaces of people who are new this week and plug it there - help out the ACEs and Guardian Angels, that kinda thing... smiley - smiley

The other tactics I used are to simply do an h2g2 search on stuff you're interested in - and to visit Colonel Seller's Overwhelmingly Huge guide to h2g2 clubs...

A530902 - Getting the best from the guide

Post 3


Hi xyroth. I notice that this thread has been pretty much abandoned. Do you still want this to be in the writing workshop? If you do, then by all means leave it in, but if not, then could you please remove it, by clicking on the word remove on the writing workshop list. Thanks smiley - smiley


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Writing Workshop: A530902 - Getting the best from the guide

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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