A Conversation for Zwolle, The Netherlands

Flea Market: A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 1



I wrote a small and nice article about the city in which I was born and raised...

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 2


Seems to be a very reasonable article.
by the way, what do you think of the three male to male and one female to female LEGAL marriages that took place last night at midnight in amsterdam?

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 3


Typical for the Dutch to legalize these kinds of things; I don't care to whom someone can marriage, next year someone will probably mary a cow, or his tv-set!

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 4


Well, someone in america did marry his horse.

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 5


I, was hesitating, but now I'm really sure the Americans are sickest and the most stupid people on the planet... And we rely on them in the battle against the evil powers in the world?!! O my God, were doomed!!

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 6


And I'm sure I read somewhere that a guy in Australia DID marry his TV!!

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 7


I've had it! I'll go with the flow and I just proposed to my right hand AND my refrigerator!

you're all invited at the party!

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 8

Huw (ACE)

Maybe the entry could do with being a bit longer, incorporating some details about places of interest or something, but other than that it looks good to me smiley - ok

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 9


I agree with huw, it is nice as it is, but being a little longer would make it even better.

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 10


Me too .. nice article .. but it needs a tiny bit more .. the names or the few nice bars for example .. just a few .. specifics .. so that if I was at teh border of your town I wouldnt be left saying .. "now what?" Give me a few things to do smiley - smiley


A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 11

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

Me too, I'd like to see a few more details, about specific good and bad bars/hotels/so on
but it's a nice start

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 12

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hey, Nussie! How's this one coming along?

smiley - smiley

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 13


sorry; hadn't had the time to work on both of the entries that haven't made the Guide yet... I'm afraid I can't work on them for a couple of months...

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 14

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

A couple of months you say? Then I'd say that it's best to move this thread to the Workshop for the meantime.

Seconding, anyone?

A529364 - The city of Zwolle, The Netherlands

Post 15

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

I'll second that
I hope Nussie finds time to come back and finish it

Thread Moved

Post 16

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'The Writing Workshop'.

Thread Moved

Post 17

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'The Writing Workshop' to 'The Flea Market'.

...as the author of this entry seems to have 'left the building'.

Thread Moved

Post 18


smiley - book VERY tempting...smiley - erm

Thread Moved

Post 19


Now in PR here: F48874?thread=2328388 smiley - ok

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