A Conversation for Talking Point: Things You Should Do Before You're 30

Lunging wildly at the Pope...

Post 1


...is something I've always thought about doing. Could present some difficulty though. Other than that I want to see the Northern Lights and swim with dolphins. Basically all the normal stuff people want to do.

One rather odd thing I'd like to do at some point in my life is to buy a proper steam train and have my own line that I can operate, but this will probably be something I do after 30 if at all.

Lunging wildly at the Pope...

Post 2

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

'Swimming with Dolphins? What's it like?...Ok, I suppose.' smiley - winkeye

smiley - shark

Lunging wildly at the Pope...

Post 3


Sadly, I reached 30 a little over a month ago smiley - blue, so any goals I had still to achieve before 30 will now need to be done before I'm 40.

I recommend sleeping in a layby as a must do before you're 30, as well as being thrown out of a nightclub and crashing a car...

(Ideally not all in the same day, you understand!)

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