A Conversation for The Museum Insel Hombroich
Wow! Fantastic idea for museum!
elekragheorgheni Started conversation Jun 5, 2009
This is a great entry. It is very informative. It is a wonderful concept combining art and nature. With live artists and wildlife to boot!
Wow! Fantastic idea for museum!
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Jun 6, 2009
Thanks, Elektra. Wish I could take you there!
It was the destination for our first Uni field trip in the welcome week - and three days later, they asked us to draw one of the buildings from memory in the first art class Fortunately, they're all so simple and iconic that we didn't have much trouble with it.
I've been back a few times since; my last visit was with Tav last year.
Wow! Fantastic idea for museum!
matodemi Posted Jun 27, 2009
Thanks for this entry Mala - it is not far away from me but I have never been there (hope I will manage to get there some time)
Wow! Fantastic idea for museum!
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Jun 27, 2009
True - it's probably only about half an hour from you by
Maybe we can have a (mini) meet there sometime.
Wow! Fantastic idea for museum!
matodemi Posted Jun 27, 2009
that would be great, and if Sho + daughters attend as well, we have three happy girls as well
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Wow! Fantastic idea for museum!
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