A Conversation for Word Gymnastics!
Absolutely amazing alliteration
Detective Armani Posted Oct 26, 2001
dougie`s dog, dido, did doo-doo`s down dundee. dundee dafties did despair. dido didn`t.
Absolutely amazing alliteration
Detective Armani Posted Oct 26, 2001
oh, and....
nl: w
subject: heavy metal
Absolutely amazing alliteration
Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit) Posted Oct 29, 2001
"waaah, wah, wah WAAAAAAAH WAAHAHHA WWWWWWWAAAAAAAA!" Went Wizard WereWolf Warren witlessly, while wearing white wedgies....
NS: Cats
Absolutely amazing alliteration
PaulBateman Posted Oct 29, 2001
The new letter was F, not D even though the subject was Doggie-doo.
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Absolutely amazing alliteration
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