MMMMMmmmm Friendlicious!

7 Conversations

Here are my friends and most of them can be found at

which is one of the best places on the web to meet people of questionable sanity.


Daisy - "I want my own crime-free island!" She's happy and healthy and that makes us smile.

Ormondroyd - "I am amiable, impecunious, somewhat overweight, frequently bewildered, and delighted to make your acquaintance." My footie friend.

Spartus - "I'm, uh, just lookin' for beer seeds, man." He's in looooooooove. Ha ha.

Kate - "*I* might suggest that there's no way in hell I'm moving the rest of my sites to your servers. So there" A good example of her fantastical work is at What's That Line. She's the rockingest there is!

Bubster - "Aardvarks/Aardvarks who need aardvarks/Are the luckiest aardvarks in the world/They're loving aardvarks/They're the luckiest aardvarks in the world" Thankee G'vnah!

Ant - "
the friendly alternative to krissy's Dragon
". Ant is pretty much the friendly alternative to everybody. You can also visit his other site with really cool cartoons here, at Ant's Homepage.

Beeline - "Prejudice, folks. Pure and simple. Accept no imitations." He's organizing the world currently. It's like organizing your sock drawer, only bigger.

Amanda - "Che Nigel: International Jetsetter or Bearer of Impending Doom? You Decide." One of my very all-timiest best friends ever. She is also in loooooooove heh heh.

Kristina Marie - "After nearly two hours, I feel comfortable in saying that four days is a considerable amount of time. That's, like, *centuries* in fruitfly years" There must be something in the water. If you want to know what the future of cinema in America holds, run and view The Hideous Abduction of Spankey as well as other movies at Bundle. I predict Oscars.

JJJ - "The TV only gets one channel, SBS, but it's always interesting to learn about the Japanese stock market in the original Japanese. The doorway over there leads to the kitchen-- but I wouldn't go in there if I were you. I don't." She qotes me on her front page which makes me feel special and she's very poety. I'd feel comfortable going there.

C - "And if you think I'm going to go wait for the right thread to come up so I can reply to it, well, then you must think I like watching paint dry." She's the world's best mommy.

Greg - "I'm not a big idiot online, but I play one in real life. Yeah, that must be it." Darlin' Greg. He went to Miami and took cool pictures.

an apple tree - "oops accidentally shaved my head...again
whatever is to become of us now?" This is the other half of THE QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE! She gives out awards and I have several. Mmmhey.

Emmy - "And aren't you proud that it only took me 2 days!" A woman who is hard to find, but worth looking for.

Jonny - "Ow, get off! Ouch... OK, OK Krissy, I'll write something..." He claims I abuse him, but it's only tough love.

Peta - "

beetle - "

That’s it for now. Until I get some new friends anyway. :) These are good people. And USDA recommended.

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