A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation

its back and hidden after being suspended and reinstated

Post 1

ZERO United Friend of H2G2 Space

whats up with that is it possible for somebody to refer my entry to the moderation team and have it removed ? i know some body else had one on how to make a weed pipe hotwiring cars isnt all that bad its a useful skill to have if you lose ur set of keys.....

its back and hidden after being suspended and reinstated

Post 2


Hi Zero,

Everytime you write or update an entry, it goes into the Moderation queue. In this case the Moderator referred it to the Community Team to make a decision, so the entry was hidden pending that decision.

When the Community Team have made their decision, the entry will either be reinstated, or removed. If it is removed, you will receive an email to the address set in your preferences.

Hope that helps.

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its back and hidden after being suspended and reinstated

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