A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation
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Dorian Gray Started conversation Mar 6, 2002
To whom it may concern:
Today I just started an entry. A705629. It was hidden and yet I see no reason why. All that was in it is the truth. If you want to protect the populace form Governments grundge thats your problem. And I suggest you solve it. I have the power to start a mass protest.
Dorian Grey.
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h2g2Support Posted Mar 7, 2002
You should have received an email informing you that your page had been failed. If you reply to this, then a member of the Feedback team will answer your query.
h2g2 Support
Formal Commplant
Dorian Gray Posted Mar 7, 2002
No .... It failed All I want to know is why? There was mostly harmless information in that entry.
Formal Commplant
h2g2Support Posted Mar 8, 2002
Hi, we explained why the page failed in the email we sent you.
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