A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation
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I'm not really here Started conversation Dec 5, 2001
I thought I was using an insubstantial extract of a film in my journal, ie I quoted 2 lines, but it was removed due to copyright. As I have been quoting 2 lines of song lyrics on my user space for a while now (which is proportionally more substantial), why was that quote removed and I've never had a problem with the lyrics? http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F35977?thread=155175
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Abi Posted Dec 5, 2001
Mina, we are aware of this and h2g2 Feedback will send you an email.
Hope you are well and happy.
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The H2G2 Editors Posted Dec 5, 2001
Wonderful. Thanks Mina.
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shagbark Posted Feb 24, 2002
I also had material removed over at F83505?thread=164729 and I never recieved any e-mail on it. How do you appeal a modreation. It says if you disagee reply to the e-mail but if you do not get an e-mail there is nothing to reply to.
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Mina Posted Feb 24, 2002
Can you start a new thread so it comes up in h2g2 Support? They are unsubscribed to this one, and it might get missed on Monday otherwise.
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