A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation
Late lamented 'Obituary Page'
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Started conversation Aug 20, 2001
Hi folks,
I received an email last night informing me that my 'Obituary Page' (A278381) had been removed because it contained a link that was considered inappropriate. The link in question was to the web site of an author, whose work is available to be read on line. There was nothing naughty about the content of the site, so I assume it was failed because there is some commercial content also. Fair enough. The text containing the link was contributed by another Researcher, but I should have checked more thoroughly.
The problem is that I have no means of editing the thing, as it has disappeared without a trace. I returned the Moderator's email, with the problem link removed, but no action seems to have been taken to restore the Entry.
Any help or condolences you could offer would be very much appreciated.
Late lamented 'Obituary Page'
I'm not really here Posted Aug 21, 2001
The page was there when I looked, although hidden. It should have an edit button still for you to change it.
Late lamented 'Obituary Page'
h2g2Support Posted Aug 21, 2001
Odd - it still appears on your Personal Space, and when you view it at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A278381 you *should* get an 'Edit Page' button. We've checked and you're definitely the editor for the entry, so let us know if the button isn't there - it might be a bug.
Most odd...
Late lamented 'Obituary Page'
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Aug 21, 2001
Sorry folks. Perhaps you should consider making the edit button bigger, so that senile old farts like me can still find it when they panic. I haven't done anything this daft (that I'm aware of) since I made my Personal Space disappear and Jim had to rescue me.
I looked for the link on my personal space, but the obvious solution didn't occur to me. Scary to think I was a Guru.
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Late lamented 'Obituary Page'
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