A Conversation for h2g2 FAQ: Moderation

Moderated URL?

Post 1


On my Personal Space, there is a "URL removed by moderator" note (in the music section of the table). The problem is, why was the URL removed, and which one was removed. All the links are still functional, and if the URL was removed, then the text should still be there, shouldn't it? Or did you remove the URL + the text. If that is the case, why was the text removed, as well? (You know, I can't remember what kind of band I might have put a link to there... smiley - sadface)

Oh, and yes, I never received an email.

Yelbakk - discombobulated

Moderated URL?

Post 2

The H2G2 Editors

Your entry was edited to remove the broken link to the Depeche Mode website. The page should have been failed because of this, in which case you would have received an email informing you of this, plus a mention of which link failed so that you could edit the page.

In this case, the moderator edited the page instead of failing it. She/he has been informed that she/he should fail Entries containing broken links.

Hope this helps to solve the mystery!

Moderated URL?

Post 3


Yes, you're right - the Depeche Mode link is gone. And I should be shot for not even remembering I had a DeMo link on my page. So thanks for reminding me. I shall be looking for a new DeMo site. (The link *was* removed because it didn't work, right? I just want to make sure that Depeche Mode is ok to have a link to, as I know many people who never liked the band...smiley - sadface)

Anyway, I was glad that "my" moderator didn't fail the entire page smiley - smiley. And thanks for replying.


Moderated URL?

Post 4

The H2G2 Editors

Yes it's fine to link to a Depeche Mode site, the site you linked to had obviously closed down. If you can find the official Depeche Mode site so much the better. smiley - smiley

Moderated URL?

Post 5


Ok, but the Springsteen site for which you *did* fail my Space is NOT down - I checked it. So what is going on?

Moderated URL?

Post 6

Janis B.

Somebody, anybody, please tell me what a URL is

Moderated URL?

Post 7


A URL is basically the address of a web page. It usually consists of the notorious "www", the actual name of the site, and the even more notorious ".com" or other endings.

Chances are that URL actually means something, but I forgot. The "L" is for "location", I think.


Moderated URL?

Post 8

Janis B.

Thanks Yelbakk, that really explained it didn't it. Ha! Ha! Some one was going to tell me how to search for long lost friends and the 'Moderated URL' was all that was there. I don't quite understand what could have been wrong in that. Oh well, obviously must have been some thing.

Moderated URL?

Post 9


Hi, Janis B.

I got it now. Here on h2g2, URL's that go outside of BBC are not allowed to be posted in conversation threads. So somebody posted such a link in a conversation, which got consequently deleted - or in h2g2 lingo, removed by moderator.

Does THAT help now smiley - winkeye?


Moderated URL?

Post 10

Janis B.

Nooooooo. OK, I know you're gonna get fed up with me. You are teaching the village idiot when telling me stuff regarding computers. Am I correct in thinking that a URL is a web address? Like my e-mail address? OK, but what does URL mean/stand for.

Moderated URL?

Post 11


Me being fed up?! Never!!

Of course, I still do not know what URL actually MEANS. As for your question, though. Let me give you some examples. The URL of the H2G2 home is http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2.
The URL of your Home Space on h2g2 is http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/u186459.

So with this handy website, all you have to do to go to any of these sites is to click on the links as they appear on the screen. You could also type these lines into the Location Bar at the top of your browser (Netscape or Internat Explorer, or whatever you use). Once you do that and hit "Enter", these sites will open up. That is what the URL's are for.

Now, did THAT help smiley - smiley?


Moderated URL?

Post 12

Janis B.

Now THAT helped smiley - smiley. URL means Uniform Resource Locator, and thats enough about that. Thank you for all your patience. How do I get back to you when you aren't on my space? Thanks again, and have a Happy Halloweenie smiley - spidersmiley - pumpkin.


Moderated URL?

Post 13


Hi again, Jan.

To get back to me (or in fact to anybody) just click on the names as they appear in the top part of each single post. That will take you right to my/their doorstep. There you can leave messages by clicking on the "Discuss this entry" button.

How was HELLowenn?


Moderated URL?

Post 14

Janis B.

Hi Yelbakk
It Hellowent, thank goodness. I don't know where you live, but here they decorate for any reason they can find. From September thru January I'm either putting some thing up or taking it down for my customers. Right now I'm up to my neck in decorating wreaths for Christmas. I finished the Thanksgiving stuff in July. Actually, I rather enjoy it. It's more play than work. I have one client that will never have a Christmas Tree, I have to come up with an elaborate display each year. Thats fun, because they allow me to do just as I want and they don't want to know what it is. So that it's just as much of a suprise for them as it is for the tennants in the building.
Gotta go - Christmas is coming. Thanks for the info smiley - smiley.

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