A Conversation for Whose Line is it Anyway - A (not so) temporary Home

a question...

Post 1


Now that all the old pre-bbc posts have been brought back, where is the old Questions Only thread<?>

a question...

Post 2

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Hmmm... I think I might have come across it a while back, when I tried &show=100&skip=900....

a question...

Post 3


It reappeared a few weeks back and is at...


The mysterious disappearance of the the original article for Whose Line is it Anyway may now be explained by the fact that is is 'Deleted by the Author' so I guess I could have the temerity to rewrite it now. If I could be arsed...smiley - winkeye

a question...

Post 4


smiley - cheerssmiley - run

a question...

Post 5

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

I'm sure I've been sent a Round Tuit, which I could lend you Orcus.... smiley - biggrin

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