A Conversation for Whose Line is it Anyway - A (not so) temporary Home

Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 521

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

<> [11,5,7]</>

Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 522

AK - fancy that!

Though I'm glad, is an eleven word question all you've got?
Or aren't I somewhat relieved?
Should I attempt to figure myself out?


Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 523

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Only one post since late December?
What's going on with the world, that there's only one new post?
Have we reached saturation point yet?

Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 524

simply scruff singing a rainbow

don't you think saturation is too long a word to be using here?
am i talking rubbish?
am i also rather stupid?

scruff X


Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 525

AK - fancy that!

Has it been a month?

Considering the fact that by asking about your own stupidity presumes the answer yes usually, am I correct in assuming that that answer from me could not properly be taken as rude?

And does the same go concerning rubbish?


Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 526

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

AK, mind if I call you Git?
Why 42?
Is it because you are a sadist?
Or is it, maybe, because you just want to set a challenging number of words out of which to make a question which resembles the question to the answer, that is ten more than two times eleven, doubled minus twelve (ie. 42)?

Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 527

AK - fancy that!

Besides you having called me a git before, does that not equal 52?


Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 528

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Have I?
Surely I've not?
What about you AK?
Is 44 minus 12 plus 10 not 42 then?


Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 529

AK - fancy that!

Could both solutions be correct?
COuld it have been order of operations?
Could I possibly have thought that you meant ((2*11+10)*2-12) for that thingy?


Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 530

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Is that even a possibility, that two answers to the same question are correct?
Did I even mention Brackets?
Are you sure you are feeling quite alright AK?


Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 531

AK - fancy that!

By any chance, do you suppose, that perhaps I am alright and just mistook and/or assumed that the commas implied brackets?


Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 532


Do you feel that life in this modern world has become centered around always questioning things<?>

Should we just be eating warm smiley - ale and drinking cold instead<?>

Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 533

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Would that not be a strange thing to do?

Have you forgotten the Number count?

[11, 9, 5]

Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 534


Did I really forget to put numbers on my last post<?>

Or did they just all add up to zero<?>

And promptly disappear into nothing<?>

[3, 7, 3]

Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 535

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Is that possible?

Wouldn't it be lovely if that's true?

How many numbers?

[5 , 11, 15]

Questions Only AND Word Count, sometimes involving maths

Post 536

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

If I happened to be fictional would I still be posting here?


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