A Conversation for Egg Shell Mimicry Advice for Young Lady Cuckoos (UG)
Half-past dawn chorus
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation May 24, 2009
Just wanting to repeat again how much I enjoyed this, Tibley Bobley. One of the highlights of The Stretcher for me, and doubly satisfying as it was Ms GB's one challenge.
Thanks so much for writing it
Half-past dawn chorus
Tibley Bobley Posted May 28, 2009
I say how kind
Don't know how I managed to miss your very nice message. I only spotted it because I was looking for the cuckoo egg shell entry to leave a note to mark the day that cuckoos made it onto the main news for having finally achieved RSPB red list status. On Spring Watch one of the fellas said they thought it was because the species they parasitize are disappearing
Better go and put my thinking cap on now. Got to try to think of something "sophisticated". I have met people even less sophisticated than me -- but not many - The Stretcher's finding all my weak spots
Half-past dawn chorus
Tibley Bobley Posted May 29, 2009
Ayup! We're on the front page
There are some parasites we like quite a lot - and we don't want them to go
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