A Conversation for The Party for the Passing of the 42nd Day

Love a good Par-tay

Post 1


Always happy to have this wonderful place back with all of you scary people smiley - smiley

Love a good Par-tay

Post 2


Hey Richy Richy. Fancy a smiley - stiffdrink?

Love a good Par-tay

Post 3



Love a good Par-tay

Post 4

Jimi X

smiley - monster


Love a good Par-tay

Post 5



Love a good Par-tay

Post 6


Hey, from me, scary is a complement smiley - online2long

And I would love a smiley - bubbly but, since I am under 21, I will have to settle for a smiley - oj and a smiley - tomato!!!

Love a good Par-tay

Post 7


*mixes smiley - oj with a smiley - stiffdrink*

In here, age doesn't matter. smiley - devil

Love a good Par-tay

Post 8


Why thank you... much more exciting

Love a good Par-tay

Post 9


You're welcome. smiley - biggrin

Nice to have a place for smiley - stiffdrink without smiley - drunk eh? smiley - winkeye

smiley - peacedovesmiley - rose

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