A Conversation for The Party for the Passing of the 42nd Day

Here it is then

Post 1

Þing - KCP' - Thingite #15

Well then, here I am at A516917 dutifully turning up to find out what is going on, Abi, and the answer seems to be 'not much'.

Maybe I'll just Yikes this, then - I haven't done that yet.

Here it is then

Post 2


so are you coming in then or are you going to spend the rest of the party sleeping on the doorstep! smiley - winkeye

Here it is then

Post 3

The Apprentice

Arriving 10 hours early probably didn't help...

Here it is then

Post 4


*scuttles in unnoticed underfoot and takes up residence in a corner*

Here it is then

Post 5


Hey Nonnie good to see you! smiley - winkeye

Here it is then

Post 6

Jimi X

*throws a cheesey cracker to the corner*

To break this place in right, you need to spread some crumbs about and stuff. smiley - smiley

Here it is then

Post 7


*nibbles cracker/cheese* Good thinking... but this cracker is far to 'whole' in nature.. I'll just break it up a bit. smiley - devil

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