A Conversation for Teenage Fanclub - the Band
Peer Review: A516340 - Teenage Fanclub - the Band
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Started conversation Aug 3, 2005
Entry: Teenage Fanclub - the Band - A516340
Author: Uncle E Vibenstein (Official Beer Keeper at the court of 2legs) [5th Anniversary Scotmeet: A4569339] - U40285
I thought I'd submitted this years ago, but apparently not, so here we go...
A516340 - Teenage Fanclub - the Band
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Aug 4, 2005
At first read it looks terrable
At first look, maybe it could do with a bit of a intro type doobry right at the top, describing their style of music at the outset? How abouts the band members?: a list of who is in teh band/what they play/plus any line up changes (should there be any?)
the bit at the end; 'Recommended listening' is that a discography? might be better to have a header for 'disography' and list chronologically the albums, maybe a differetn 'header' for 'single iscography's for their single releases, bulleted list I'd say, with song name, year of release, what album t'was off, chart position?
A516340 - Teenage Fanclub - the Band
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Aug 4, 2005
You're right, it's bloody awful isn't it? It could do with a full discography for one thing, so I'll work on that first and see how it goes from there...
A516340 - Teenage Fanclub - the Band
U218534 Posted Aug 4, 2005
Came across your website the other day - I love the public information films
Titles of singles or individual song tracks don't go in italics - I think it's just 'single quote marks' instead. Albums are italicised
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Peer Review: A516340 - Teenage Fanclub - the Band
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